Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Castle Acre Priory
11th century Cluniac monastery in the village of Castle Acre near Swaffham, Norfolk. It was founded by William de Warenne after he and his wife Gundrada were impressed by a visit to the French monastery of Cluny.

The following Knightmare scenes were filmed at Castle Acre Priory:

 [Related Image] The magnificent west front entrance.
Treguard: "These are the remains of Dungarth. Once a proud palace of men, and a sanctuary from the predators of the forest. The way into Level 2 lies hidden here, but go forward with caution - the Opposition sacked Dungarth many years ago, but still maintains a freelance guard on the place."
 [Related Image] Several teams visited Dungarth in Series 4. Dangers encountered here included Fatilla, an ogre, goblins and assassins... not to mention Mellisandre giving out nonsense directions to Level 2.
 [Related Image] Giles took a different exit from everyone else.
 [Related Image] Also visited by Team 5 of Series 6, who were chased off by a huge Pooka.
Pickle: "The ruins of Dungarth, master - we haven't seen this place for ages! Didn't it get taken over by witches?"
 [Related Image] Most teams exited through the archway.
 [Related Image] A giant reptile could be found amongst the ruins.
 [Related Image] On the garth, Vicky and Dickon found Fatilla guarding the wellway.
 [Related Image] The chapel in the prior's house, where SMALL and DOWNERS were needed to fit through a tiny doorway.
 [Related Image] Nicky emerged from an equally small doorway in a fireplace.
 [Related Image] The prior's study was later used as a wellway room and as Brother Mace's "lonely cell". It also appeared in Series 5 and Series 6, once as a clue room.
 [Related Image] Team 6 of Series 6 failed their Level 3 entrance exam in a flipped version of this room.
 [Related Image] The oriel window can be seen behind Hordriss.
 [Related Image] The other end of the chapel was twice visited by Team 5 of Series 7, who mopped the floor and later met Sylvester Hands on his "DAYORF".

El Rescate del Talismán (the Spanish version) included an Eyeshield sequence that was never used in Knightmare, exiting via the right-hand door by the fireplace.
 [Related Image] This room had previously contained Ariadne's lair...
 [Related Image] ...and was also used for a Level 1 Causeway in Series 6.

Castle Acre Priory is now managed by English Heritage and is open to the public. Click here to visit the website.

A selection of photographs taken by Jake Collins can be found in Issues 32, 33 and 34 of The Eye Shield. Photographs taken by Canadanne in June 2022 can be found here.

Provided By: Canadanne, 2025-02-16 22:55:49
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